
glfmn.io hardmode-triangle-2(1)


Initializing our OpenGL context and using EGL to connect it to our window.


In this post we will be exploring EGL and interfacing EGL with wayland. By the end we will have a colored rectangle on screen.


  1. Part 0

    Introduction and why I decided to write an OpenGL hello-triangle program the hard way: no sdl, no glfw, only Linux platform libraries.

  2. Part 1

    Grokking the wayland protocol and creating a window.

  3. Part 2*


EGL is a library for writing all the glue that goes in between your application and the operating system to coordinate access to resources on the GPU, in a platform independent way.

In specific, EGL is a mechanism for allowing the graphics driver to share memory on the GPU between different rendering contexts. In our case, the contexts are the OpenGL context that our application uses and the OpenGL context that the compositor uses, and the memory—or buffer—is the contents of the application window. It is worth remembering that there are other types of buffers we might also share, such as cursors and popup windows.

EGL is managed by the same people responsible for OpenGL: the Khronos group. It also has extensions just like OpenGL does. The API of EGL is defined in a so-called registry XML file, just like OpenGL. The actual implementation, however, is left up to your operating system and graphics drivers.

In this part we will:

  1. Get zig OpenGL bindings set up
  2. Set up EGL on our system
  3. Link system EGL and set up the headers
  4. Get familiar with the EGL entry point: EGLDisplay
  5. Configure and initialize our EGL and OpenGL contexts
  6. Make EGL surfaces that are linked to wayland surfaces
  7. Draw our triangle!

OpenGL Setup

Using zig-opengl, it is possible to generate a zig file with bindings for whichever OpenGL version and extensions we need. Unlike zig-wayland, zig-opengl does not get run as part of your build.zig file. It is written in C# and, as a result, it requires a dotnet 7.0 runtime to be installed in order to run the generator.

Once that is done, generating the zig OpenGL bindings can be done like so:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/MasterQ32/zig-opengl
cd zig-opengl
dotnet run \
  OpenGL-Registry/xml/gl.xml \ # path to the opengl registry
  gl_4_5.zig                 \ # path to the generated file
  GL_VERSION_4_5               # opengl version

Place the generated gl_4_5.zig in your deps folder and then add the following to your build.zig file:

28exe.addModule("gl", b.createModule(.{
29 .source_file = .{ .path = "deps/gl_4_5.zig" },

And then add the following to main.zig:

3const gl = @import("gl");

EGL Setup

In order for our application to use EGL, we need to have access to the proper header files and object files. I opted to use the system's EGL headers which required me to install some packages. For example, on Ubuntu I needed to install libwayland-dev and libegl-dev; on different distros the package names might be different.

We should already have libwayland-dev installed from the previous part, but we will be using new EGL specific functionality defined in the system-wide wayland-egl.h header for the first time here.

It can be helpful to know where the actual header files we depend on are located. This is because some of the documentation you will find online can be incomplete compared to looking at the actual source for the header files. On my Ubuntu system, the headers I needed to reference can be found at:


Finding Packages

On Ubuntu I was able to figure this out using dpkg. When you know the package you installed (for example libwayland-dev) but you don't know which headers it installed, you can do the following:

dpkg -L libwayland-dev | grep ".h" # or .so or .xml

When you know the file-path or even just part of it, but you don't know which package installed that file, you can use:

dpkg -S EGL | sort

Which will output something like:

libegl-dev:amd64: /usr/include/EGL
libegl-dev:amd64: /usr/include/EGL/eglext.h
libegl-dev:amd64: /usr/include/EGL/egl.h
libegl-dev:amd64: /usr/include/EGL/eglplatform.h
libegl-dev:amd64: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libEGL.so

If you are missing any of these files, you need to either get the headers and copy them into your project or install the required system packages (listed above). For example on Ubuntu if you are missing the headers you can run:

sudo apt install libegl-dev # EGL headers

Linking EGL

Once you have everything available on your system, you can proceed with adding the system dependencies to your build.zig file:

51// EGL is an interface for initializing and setting up a client API for GPU
52// rendering (OpenGL, OpenCL, OpenVG)

Linking "EGL" gives access to all the headers inside the folder! We can now import the headers to start using EGL functions. At the top of our main.zig file:

4const egl = @cImport({
5 @cInclude("EGL/egl.h");

However, this isn't quite sufficient. EGL, being platform independent, is missing some functionality that we would like to use. Some of the functionality that we will need is actually defined as an extension to EGL in EGL/eglext.h; we can amend our import statement to add the extension header and set the proper defines for our specific platform:

4const egl = @cImport({
5 @cDefine("WL_EGL_PLATFORM", "1");
6 @cInclude("EGL/egl.h");
7 @cInclude("EGL/eglext.h");
8 @cUndef("WL_EGL_PLATFORM");

This will set up some EGL interface types as typedefs to wayland types:

79#elif defined(WL_EGL_PLATFORM)
81typedef struct wl_display *EGLNativeDisplayType;
82typedef struct wl_egl_pixmap *EGLNativePixmapType;
83typedef struct wl_egl_window *EGLNativeWindowType;

Here we can already some of how EGL bridges between wayland and OpenGL. Feel free to browse egl.h, eglplatform.h, and eglext.h to see how the platform defines work.


Similar to wayland, EGL has the concept of a display which represents the connection between the application and the host system. To quote the EGL Man pages, Most EGL functions require an EGL display connection, which can be obtained by calling eglGetPlatformDisplay or eglGetDisplay. As I understand it, the display is used for things like synchronization and connecting to the specific windowing API that is in use.

Since there are two options for getting our display, its unclear which one is preferred without more information. However, it seems that eglGetPlatformDisplay is preferred wherever possible.

  • eglGetDisplay

    Given a native display (void*) or EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY, the function has to figure out what the platform is which can be unreliable. The behavior is dependent on the particular EGL implementation which means it can also vary by platform.

  • eglGetPlatformDisplay

    obtains an EGL display connection for the specified platform and native_display. Since we explicitly indicate what the platform is, the function doesn't have to guess. Each platform is an extension that may not be supported.

Given this information, we can initialize our display connection using eglGetPlatformDisplay in our pub fn main after setting up our surfaces:

79if (display.roundtrip() != .SUCCESS) return error.RoundtripFailure;
81const egl_display =
82 egl.eglGetPlatformDisplay(egl.EGL_PLATFORM_WAYLAND_KHR, display, null);
83_ = egl_display;

If we run our application now with WAYLAND_DEBUG=1, the output should be identical compared to before, as we haven't done anything with egl_display yet.


Many EGL functions can return invalid values and generate errors. I recommend handling and checking for these errors in order to both help troubleshoot issues that might be unique to your system and understand a little bit better how EGL actually works.

If a function returns the object we are interested in directly, then EGL defines a specific sentinel value for that object which represents an invalid state, like EGL_NO_DISPLAY. Otherwise, it will return EGL_FALSE upon failure.

In order to get details about the error returned, we must call eglGetError, which provides more detail. The best place to know which errors each function will generate is the specification or the online manual.

The first thing we need to do to start using our egl_display is initialize our display using the eglInitialize function:

EGLBoolean eglInitialize(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLint *major, EGLint *minor);

This function takes our egl_display as its first argument, and will set the major and minor version of the spec this EGL implementation conforms to.

Initializing our EGL display can also produce errors; it can be useful for troubleshooting to know what the possible error values are and what they mean. The best place for this information is the EGL specification.


    The display passed in was invalid. This can happen when the platform is not specified.


    The display was valid, but EGL could not be initialized.

With the error handling code, initializing the egl_display looks like this:

81const egl_display =
82 egl.eglGetPlatformDisplay(egl.EGL_PLATFORM_WAYLAND_KHR, display, null);
84var egl_major: egl.EGLint = 0;
85var egl_minor: egl.EGLint = 0;
86if (egl.eglInitialize(egl_display, &egl_major, &egl_minor) == egl.EGL_TRUE) {
87 std.log.info("EGL version: {}.{}", .{ egl_major, egl_minor });
88} else switch (egl.eglGetError()) {
89 egl.EGL_BAD_DISPLAY => return error.EglBadDisplay,
90 else => return error.EglFailedToinitialize,

One more thing that can be useful to do is call eglTerminate to clean up our display at the end of the program:

93defer _ = egl.eglTerminate(egl_display);

Now if we run our program with WAYLAND_DEBUG=1, we will start to see how EGL integrates with wayland under the hood.

First, you will see our first round-trip syncing registering globals, and our second round-trip creating our surface and assigning roles.

info: Hardmode triangle.
[4053331.824]  -> wl_display@1.get_registry(new id wl_registry@2)
[4053331.863]  -> wl_display@1.sync(new id wl_callback@3)
[4053332.071] wl_display@1.delete_id(3)
[4053332.096] wl_registry@2.global(1, "wl_compositor", 5)
[4053332.108]  -> wl_registry@2.bind(1, "wl_compositor", 1, new id [unknown]@4)
[4053332.182] wl_registry@2.global(9, "xdg_wm_base", 4)
[4053332.191]  -> wl_registry@2.bind(9, "xdg_wm_base", 1, new id [unknown]@5)
[4053332.301] wl_registry@2.global(22, "zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1", 4)
[4053332.352] wl_callback@3.done(231487)
[4053332.363]  -> wl_compositor@4.create_surface(new id wl_surface@3)
[4053332.372]  -> xdg_wm_base@5.get_xdg_surface(new id xdg_surface@6, wl_surface@3)
[4053332.383]  -> xdg_surface@6.get_toplevel(new id xdg_toplevel@7)
[4053332.393]  -> wl_display@1.sync(new id wl_callback@8)
[4053337.385] wl_display@1.delete_id(8)
[4053337.408] wl_callback@8.done(231487)

But then we see a second wl_registry@8 with a new ID, and a binding to a new global that we haven't seen before, zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1:

[4053341.571]  -> wl_display@1.get_registry(new id wl_registry@8)
[4053341.596]  -> wl_display@1.sync(new id wl_callback@9)
[4053351.971] wl_display@1.delete_id(9)
[4053351.990] wl_registry@8.global(1, "wl_compositor", 5)
[4053352.056] wl_registry@8.global(9, "xdg_wm_base", 4)
[4053352.117] wl_registry@8.global(22, "zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1", 4)
[4053352.124]  -> wl_registry@8.bind(22, "zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1", 4, new id [unknown]@10)
[4053352.153] wl_callback@9.done(231487)

The z indicates that this comes from an unstable protocol, and the v1 indicates the protocol version. The namespace wp is reserved for protocols that are generally useful to Wayland implementations. wp_linux_dmabuf is intended to allow clients that render on the GPU and compositors that render on the GPU to share GPU buffers back and forth.

dmabuf is the Linux kernel's Direct Memory Access, or DMA, subsystem. This allows different devices on the system to share memory, and is implemented in the device driver. This makes sense as a mechanism for wayland and EGL to use to share access to GPU resources!

[4053352.158]  -> zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1@10.get_default_feedback(new id zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1@9)
[4053352.164]  -> wl_display@1.sync(new id wl_callback@11)
[4053353.036] wl_display@1.delete_id(11)
[4053353.041] zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1@9.format_table(fd 4, 176)
[4053353.103] zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1@9.main_device(array[8])
[4053354.082] zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1@9.tranche_target_device(array[8])
[4053354.093] zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1@9.tranche_flags(0)
[4053354.100] zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1@9.tranche_formats(array[22])
[4053354.115] zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1@9.tranche_done()
[4053354.121] zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1@9.done()
[4053354.126] wl_callback@11.done(231487)
[4053354.132]  -> zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1@9.destroy()
info: EGL version: 1.5

Here we see a get_default_feedback request; according to wayland.app, this request creates a new wp_linux_dmabuf_feedback object not bound to a particular surface. This object will deliver feedback about dmabuf parameters to use if the client doesn't support per-surface feedback. We don't need to go into any more specifics than that for our purposes, but I hope this has provided insight into the inner workings of EGL.


There are many ways to possibly encode an image in memory, but only a subset of all possible encodings are supported by the hardware and software of your system. In order to create an EGL buffer, we must select a specific encoding for our image. EGL calls this an EGLConfig, which has properties like:


    Bit-wise size of the depth component (Z in clip space) of a texture buffer.


    Whether this buffer configuration can be a render target of a rendering API.

In practice, there can be multiple possible configurations for a given set of requirements as well, so EGL provides a function to choose a configuration (or list of configurations) given a set of attributes that are required:

EGLBoolean eglChooseConfig(EGLDisplay display,
                           EGLint const * attrib_list,
                           EGLConfig * configs,
                           EGLint config_size,
                           EGLint * num_config);

The attributes list is many-element pointer that ends in EGL_NONE, containing a bunch of pairs; the first element of the pair is the attribute and the second element is the requirement. The attributes we are interested are:


    A bitmask indicating the roles of our surface; since we want to create a surface that is our application window, we will use EGL_WINDOW_BIT. The other supported values are EGL_PIXMAP_BIT and EGL_PBUFFER_BIT. They are not mutually exclusive.


    Bitmask indicating the supported client APIs, note this can be | together to request configs that support multiple for sharing between them. The API we are interested in is EGL_OPENGL_BIT.


    The minimum required bitwise size of the red component of the buffer.


    The minimum required bitwise size of the green component of the buffer.


    The minimum required bitwise size of the blue component of the buffer.


    The minimum required bitwise size of the transparency/opacity component of the buffer.

Using zig's explicit terminator in the type of our array, we can create a list of our required attributes in fn main like so:

95const egl_attributes: [12:egl.EGL_NONE]egl.EGLint = .{
98 egl.EGL_RED_SIZE, 8,
99 egl.EGL_GREEN_SIZE, 8,
100 egl.EGL_BLUE_SIZE, 8,
101 egl.EGL_ALPHA_SIZE, 8,

The rest of the parameters are relatively simple: eglChooseConfig requires our egl_display, an array where it will store out the valid configs, the size of the output array, and a pointer where it will indicate the number of configurations returned.

Referring to the specification, eglChooseConfig returns the following errors on failure:


    generated if attribute list contains an undefined EGL attribute or an attribute value that is unrecognized or out of range.

Passing in our display, the required attributes, and handling our errors can be done like so:

104const egl_config = config: {
105 // Rather ask for a list of possible configs, we just get the first one and
106 // hope it is a good choice.
107 var config: egl.EGLConfig = null;
108 var num_configs: egl.EGLint = 0;
109 const result = egl.eglChooseConfig(
110 egl_display,
111 &egl_attributes,
112 &config,
113 1,
115 &num_configs,
116 );
118 if (result != egl.EGL_TRUE) {
119 switch (egl.eglGetError()) {
120 egl.EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE => return error.InvalidEglConfigAttribute,
121 else => return error.EglConfigError,
122 }
123 }
125 break :config config;

While we have only used a single config, we could also ask for multiple configs and process them to select the best one. Given a particular EGLConfig, one can call eglGetConfigAttrib to query its attributes and use those to make choices about which config to prefer. The specification has a lot more to say about how EGLConfigs are chosen and sorted, so I recommend referring to the specification and the eglGetConfigAttrib manual page for more details.

Creating a Context

In order to proceed, we must actually create our OpenGL rendering context. EGL allows for the creation of several different kinds of rendering contexts, and ways of sharing data between them. As a result, we must specify our required attributes for our context to get one that supports the functionality we need.

Our first step is to bind the client API that our application will use:

EGLBoolean eglBindAPI(EGLenum api);

The supported values we can pass in as api are:


The function will return EGL_FALSE for any other enum value (as of EGL 1.5), and EGL_BAD_PARAMETER if the current EGL implementation does not support the requested client API.

Thus, we bind OpenGL in our main function like so:

127if (egl.eglBindAPI(egl.EGL_OPENGL_API) != egl.EGL_TRUE) {
128 switch (egl.eglGetError()) {
129 egl.EGL_BAD_PARAMETER => return error.OpenGlUnsupported,
130 else => return error.InvalidApi,
131 }

From here we can proceed with actually creating the OpenGL rendering context.

EGLContext eglCreateContext(EGLDisplay dpy,
                            EGLConfig config,
                            EGLContext share_context,
                            const EGLint *attrib_list);

We will use the EGLConfig we chose earlier and our display connection to create the context. If we wanted to do multi-context rendering, we would pass in another context as the share_context to allow sharing data between them.

The attrib_list has a similar format to the attribute list we use for config creation, but with different supported keys and values. The specification contains a full list of the supported values, but here we will use:


    Specifies the major version number of the selected client API, and will return a context that supports this version number.


    Specifies the minor version number of the selected client API, and will return a context that supports at least this version number. The actual supported version number could be higher if it is backwards compatible with the requirements stated here.

134const context_attributes: [4:egl.EGL_NONE]egl.EGLint = .{

With our context attributes now set, we can now create our context:

139const egl_context = egl.eglCreateContext(
140 egl_display,
141 egl_config,
143 &context_attributes,
144) orelse switch (egl.eglGetError()) {
145 egl.EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE => return error.InvalidContextAttribute,
146 egl.EGL_BAD_CONFIG => return error.CreateContextWithBadConfig,
147 egl.EGL_BAD_MATCH => return error.UnsupportedConfig,
148 else => return error.FailedToCreateContext,
151defer _ = egl.eglDestroyContext(egl_display, egl_context);

We also need to load our OpenGL functions. Calling any OpenGL function at this point will segfault our program, because each function must have its address loaded at runtime. If we peek into gl_4_5.zig we will see a load function which sets a bunch of function pointers:

/// Loader API:
pub fn load(load_ctx: anytype, get_proc_address: fn(@TypeOf(load_ctx), [:0]const u8) ?FunctionPointer) !void {
    // Truncated
    if(get_proc_address(load_ctx, "glCreateVertexArrays")) |proc| {
        function_pointers.glCreateVertexArrays = @ptrCast(proc);
    } else {
        log.err("entry point glCreateVertexArrays not found!", .{});
        success = false;
    // Truncated

        return error.EntryPointNotFound;

This is due to the variety of ways that one might implement a graphics driver. Even on a single system, the actual rendering device could be a software renderer that implements the OpenGL specification, a graphics card, or perhaps even one of multiple graphics cards, each from different vendors with different drivers.

Thus, EGL provides us with a function called eglGetProcAddress to look up the address of every function for our specified version of OpenGL which we will pass as the get_proc_address argument.

We need to create a wrapper function around eglGetProcAddress as gl.load provides us with the ability to pass a context into the load function:

157fn getProcAddress(_ctx: void, name: [:0]const u8) ?gl.FunctionPointer {
158 return egl.eglGetProcAddress(name);

Then we can load the OpenGL functions in our fn main after creating the context like so:

153try gl.load({}, getProcAddress);

Now, calling gl functions will no longer segfault the program!

Window & Surface

Now we can begin interfacing our wayland objects with our rendering context through EGL. This is where the wayland-egl library that we linked into our program earlier comes into play. zig-wayland exposes functionality from wayland-egl.h in wayland_client_core.zig that we will be using via the wayland.client.wl.EglWindow interface.

Inside our fn main, after creating our context:

158const egl_window = try wl.EglWindow.create(surface, 720, 480);
159_ = egl_window;

You may recall that when we set the WL_EGL_PLATFORM define, EGL sets the native window type used by EGL functions to wl_egl_window.

#elif defined(WL_EGL_PLATFORM)
typedef struct wl_display     *EGLNativeDisplayType;
typedef struct wl_egl_pixmap  *EGLNativePixmapType;
typedef struct wl_egl_window  *EGLNativeWindowType;

EglWindow is an opaque pointer that underneath refers to the wl_egl_window type defined by libwayland. From the definition for wl_egl_window in wayland-egl-backend.h, we can see that it is a relatively thin wrapper around the wl_surface object we pass in.

Thus, the EglWindow.create function wraps our wl_surface into a wl_egl_window and initializes members that the EGL implementation will use.

In order to create the GPU buffer associated with our window, we need to create an EGLSurface from our window, which is the resource that our rendering context will draw to.

    eglCreatePlatformWindowSurface(EGLDisplay dpy,
                                   EGLConfig config,
                                   void *native_window,
                                   const EGLAttrib *attrib_list);

The EGLSurface will be the render target of our rendering context; we can have multiple EGLSurfaces which we render to that can each be part of different wl_surfaces.

The possible errors generated are:


    The config pixel format does not match what is required to create the surface.


    Generated when the config passed in is invalid.


    The native window passed in is invalid.

Thus, with the error handling added in, we can create our surface in fn main like so:

158const egl_window = try wl.EglWindow.create(surface, 720, 480);
160const egl_surface = egl.eglCreatePlatformWindowSurface(
161 egl_display,
162 egl_config,
163 @ptrCast(egl_window),
164 null,
165) orelse switch (egl.eglGetError()) {
166 egl.EGL_BAD_MATCH => error.MismatchedConfig,
167 egl.EGL_BAD_CONFIG => error.InvalidConfig,
168 egl.EGL_BAD_NATIVE_WINDOW => error.InvalidWindow,
169 else => return error.FailedToCreateEglSurface,
171_ = egl_surface;

Running our application again with WAYLAND_DEBUG=1, we can see new wayland requests and events which correspond to creating the surface:

info: EGL version: 1.5
[4050679.300]  -> zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1@10.get_surface_feedback(new id zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1@11, wl_surface@3)
[4050679.324]  -> wl_display@1.sync(new id wl_callback@12)
[4050679.787] wl_display@1.delete_id(9)
[4050679.798] wl_display@1.delete_id(12)
[4050679.802] wl_callback@12.done(18110)
[4050680.281] zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1@11.format_table(fd 8, 1968)
[4050680.309] zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1@11.main_device(array[8])
[4050680.316] zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1@11.tranche_target_device(array[8])
[4050680.320] zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1@11.tranche_flags(0)
[4050680.326] zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1@11.tranche_formats(array[246])
[4050680.335] zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1@11.tranche_done()
[4050680.343] zwp_linux_dmabuf_feedback_v1@11.done()

We are almost ready to start rendering!

Make Current

Since EGL allows for multiple contexts and surfaces for rendering, we must specify which context and surface combination will be the target for API calls using eglMakeCurrent.

EGLBoolean eglMakeCurrent(EGLDisplay display,
                          EGLSurface draw,
                          EGLSurface read,
                          EGLContext context);

Every time one wants to change the surface or the context, one must call eglMakeCurrent. The current context bound is specific to the calling thread. Only one OpenGL or OpenGL ES context can be set as the current context per thread.

Upon failure, the function will return EGL_FALSE and generate one of the following errors:


    When context is bound to another thread and the draw and read surfaces are bound on another thread, creating a possible race condition. Or, when the maximum number of bound instances of context already exist across all threads.


    Also generated when draw or read are valid surfaces, but the context is EGL_NO_CONTEXT, or some other combination of mismatched surfaces. Some contexts require the read and draw surfaces to be the same.


    Generated when the window associated with the surface is invalid


    The context used is invalid and is not explicitly EGL_NO_CONTEXT.


    There was not enough memory to allocate the draw or read surfaces.

The specification includes a few more error conditions, but they are not really relevant to our program.

With the error handling code, we can add the following to our fn main:

169const result = egl.eglMakeCurrent(
170 egl_display,
171 egl_surface,
172 egl_surface,
173 egl_context,
175if (result == egl.EGL_FALSE) {
176 switch (egl.eglGetError()) {
177 egl.EGL_BAD_ACCESS => return error.EglThreadError,
178 egl.EGL_BAD_MATCH => return error.MismatchedContextOrSurfaces,
179 egl.EGL_BAD_NATIVE_WINDOW => return error.EglWindowInvalid,
180 egl.EGL_BAD_CONTEXT => return error.InvalidEglContext,
181 egl.EGL_BAD_ALLOC => return error.OutOfMemory,
182 else => return error.FailedToMakeCurrent,
183 }

I needed to set both the draw and read surface to the surface we created to avoid an egl.EGL_BAD_MATCH error.

From here, it is possible to start making OpenGL calls to render to the surface. To keep things simple, we will finish this part with just a colored window, which we can do by setting gl.clearColor and calling gl.clear.

188// Pick whichever color you want
189gl.clearColor(1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0);

After we do so, we need to actually end the frame and present what we have rendered so far, which we can do using eglSwapBuffers. This function takes the back-buffer which is the target of our OpenGL calls and presents it the surface. Its possible errors are:


    display is not an EGL display connection


    display has not been initialized


    surface is not an EGL drawing surface


    power management event has occurred. The application must destroy all contexts and reinitialize OpenGL ES state and objects to continue rendering

193if (egl.eglSwapBuffers(egl_display, egl_surface) != egl.EGL_TRUE) {
194 switch (egl.eglGetError()) {
195 egl.EGL_BAD_DISPLAY => return error.InvalidDisplay,
196 egl.EGL_BAD_SURFACE => return error.PresentInvalidSurface,
197 egl.EGL_CONTEXT_LOST => return error.EGLContextLost,
198 else => return error.FailedToSwapBuffers,
199 }

If we run our program now with WAYLAND_DEBUG=1, we don't see a window quite yet, but we do see more new requests and events to dig into:

[2949174.260]  -> wl_surface@3.frame(new id wl_callback@12)
[2949174.282]  -> zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1@10.create_params(new id zwp_linux_buffer_params_v1@9)
[2949174.330]  -> zwp_linux_buffer_params_v1@9.add(fd 9, 0, 0, 3072, 33554436, 1078049281)
[2949174.342]  -> zwp_linux_buffer_params_v1@9.add(fd 10, 1, 1572864, 1024, 33554436, 1078049281)
[2949174.350]  -> zwp_linux_buffer_params_v1@9.create_immed(new id wl_buffer@13, 720, 480, 875713089, 0)
[2949174.357]  -> zwp_linux_buffer_params_v1@9.destroy()
[2949174.362]  -> wl_surface@3.attach(wl_buffer@13, 0, 0)
[2949174.369]  -> wl_surface@3.damage(0, 0, 2147483647, 2147483647)
[2949174.375]  -> wl_surface@3.commit()

In Part 1 we mentioned that a wl_surfaces is a rectangular area that may be displayed on zero or more outputs, and shown any number of times at the compositor's discretion. They can present wl_buffers, receive user input, and define a local coordinate system. However, we never created any wl_buffers or attempted to present them. That is because the buffer exists on the GPU, and, as a result, we can't just create a big old array and commit that as our buffer.

However, the Linux dmabuf subsystem is capable of doing just that, and our call to eglSwapBuffers creates a new wl_buffer and attaches it to our bound surface in order to display what we rendered with OpenGL.

If we walk through the new requests roughly in order, we can see EGL creating a wl_buffer and then attaching it to our designated surface:

  1. wl_sufrace.frame

    Request a notification when it is a good time to start drawing a new frame, by creating a frame callback. This is useful for throttling redrawing operations, and driving animations. When a client is animating on a wl_surface, it can use the 'frame' request to get notified when it is a good time to draw and commit the next frame of animation. If the client commits an update earlier than that, it is likely that some updates will not make it to the display, and the client is wasting resources by drawing too often.

  2. zwp_linux_buffer_params_v1.create_immed

    This asks for immediate creation of a wl_buffer by importing the added dmabufs In other words, map the dmabuf directly to a wl_buffer, so we can present it to our surface.

  3. wl_surface.attach

    Set a buffer as the content of this surface. Surfaces are double-buffered, however, and the surface must be explicitly set to be the front buffer. Part of this is due to wayland's promise of making every frame perfect (I.E. avoiding screen tearing or other artifacts).

  4. wl_surface.damage

    This request is used to describe the regions where the pending buffer is different from the current surface contents, and where the surface therefore needs to be repainted. The compositor ignores the parts of the damage that fall outside the surface.

  5. wl_surface.commit

    Surface state (input, opaque, and damage regions, attached buffers, etc.) is double-buffered. Protocol requests modify the pending state, as opposed to the current state in use by the compositor. A commit request atomically applies all pending state, replacing the current state. After commit, the new pending state is as documented for each related request.

Now we can actually create our main loop and see our colored window. Note that we will want some way to sync up wayland events, so we can use display.dispatch or display.roundtrip to do so. This is certainly a bigger topic to consider in a real application, but dispatch works well enough for our purposes.

188gl.clearColor(1, 1, 0.5, 1);
190// Running is set by our xdg_toplevel listener, associated with this buffer
191while (running) {
192 gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);
193 gl.flush();
195 if (egl.eglSwapBuffers(egl_display, egl_surface) != egl.EGL_TRUE) {
196 switch (egl.eglGetError()) {
197 egl.EGL_BAD_DISPLAY => return error.InvalidDisplay,
198 egl.EGL_BAD_SURFACE => return error.PresentInvalidSurface,
199 egl.EGL_CONTEXT_LOST => return error.EGLContextLost,
200 else => return error.FailedToSwapBuffers,
201 }
202 }
204 if (display.dispatch() != .SUCCESS) {
205 return error.dispatchFailed;
206 }

If everything is working properly, then this will draw a bare colored rectangle: no window decorations, no controls for resizing or moving the window, no close or maximize buttons. It is up to the client application to draw all of its borders and controls, and this is usually handled by GUI application frameworks like GTK, KDE, etc.; with the unstable xdg-decoration extension, the compositor can add decorations, but relatively few compositors support this extension as of writing this article.

Congratulations, with that we have the bare minimum necessary to present a buffer drawn with OpenGL to the screen!


There are lots of things that can go wrong, I certainly ran into a lot of befuddling and aggravating issues along the way. Here I will list issues I had in no particular order:

Rendering deadlock

I have noticed a deadlock when calling display.dispatch and eglSwapBuffers in the wrong order. Perhaps it has something to do with the way both functions interact with wl_callback objects?

OpenGL version might be unsupported

Not all computers will support OpenGL 4.5, especially older devices or smaller low-power devices like the Raspberry Pi which require OpenGL ES. You can check the version of the OpenGL context returned using OpenGL functions like:

Be sure to update the context creation code if you need to change APIs or API versions, and re-generate your OpenGL bindings!

eglMakeCurrent requires a read buffer

From the documentation it seems that egl.EGL_NO_SURFACE/null is a valid argument in some cases, but it was required in my case to avoid an error.

Application is not responding

For simplicity, we have ignored events on xdg_wm_base, one of which is the ping event, which expects a pong request in response. This is one way in which the compositor detects a frozen application. Handling this event will likely stop the "Not Responding" popup.

Surface does not acknowledge configuration

One important function we have overlooked is surface configuration. I recommend reading further in the wayland book to learn more, but if you are running into issues then adding a listener to the xdg_surface we created might help.

fn xdgSurfaceListener(
    xdg_surface: *xdg.Surface,
    event: xdg.Surface.Event,
    surface: *wl.Surface,
) void {
    switch (event) {
        .configure => |configure| {


Well this series is called hardmode-triangle, not hardmode-rectangle, so let's get our triangle on-screen! Since this tutorial is focused on the wayland and EGL parts more than the OpenGL parts, we will breeze through this quite quickly.

The first thing we can do is set up the actual vertex data for our triangle:

188std.log.info("Set up triangle", .{});
190// Create an object that tracks the buffers and metadata of our triangle
191const triangle_object: gl.GLuint = vao: {
192 var vao: gl.GLuint = 0;
193 gl.genVertexArrays(1, &vao);
194 break :vao vao;
197// Set our trianlge as the target of operations below
200// Load Vetex position data of our triangle to the GPU
202 const data: [9]f32 = .{
203 0.5, 0.5, 0.0,
204 0.5, -0.5, 0.0,
205 -0.5, -0.5, 0.0,
206 };
208 // Create and bind the buffer to the triangle object
209 var buffer: gl.GLuint = 0;
210 gl.genBuffers(1, &buffer);
211 gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer);
212 gl.bufferData(
214 @sizeOf(@TypeOf(data)),
215 &data,
217 );
220// Set metadata that describes the layout of our vertex buffer
221gl.vertexAttribPointer(0, 3, gl.FLOAT, gl.FALSE, 3 * @sizeOf(f32), @ptrFromInt(0));

This will provide our GPU with an array of positions that represent the 3 corners of the triangle, along with all the metadata required to interpret the buffer.

I separated things into blocks to make the dependencies, repeated code, and necessary lifetimes clearer. Ideally, around this point one would begin to start extracting repeated code into functions.

However, getting the data onto the GPU isn't enough. OpenGL exposes a programmable render pipeline, which we will hook into using programs called shaders, written in GLSL. The code for compiling the shaders and linking them is as follows:

188std.log.info("Compile Shaders", .{});
190const vertex_shader = create: {
191 const src =
192 \\ #version 330 core
193 \\
194 \\ layout (location = 0) in vec3 vPos;
195 \\
196 \\ void main() {
197 \\ gl_Position = vec4(vPos, 1.f);
198 \\ }
199 ;
200 const src_ptr: [*c]const u8 = src; // Awkward ptr conversion
202 const shader: gl.GLuint = gl.createShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER);
203 gl.shaderSource(shader, 1, &src_ptr, null);
204 gl.compileShader(shader);
206 var success: gl.GLint = 0;
207 gl.getShaderiv(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS, &success);
208 if (success == gl.FALSE) {
209 var info: [512]u8 = [_:0]u8{0} ** 512;
210 gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader, info.len, null, &info);
212 return error.ShaderFailedToCompile;
213 }
215 break :create shader;
218const fragment_shader = create: {
219 const src =
220 \\ #version 330 core
221 \\
222 \\ out vec4 color;
223 \\
224 \\ void main() {
225 \\ color = vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
226 \\ }
227 ;
228 const src_ptr: [*c]const u8 = src; // Awkward ptr conversion
230 const shader: gl.GLuint = gl.createShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER);
231 gl.shaderSource(shader, 1, &src_ptr, null);
232 gl.compileShader(shader);
234 var success: gl.GLint = 0;
235 gl.getShaderiv(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS, &success);
236 if (success == gl.FALSE) {
237 var info: [512]u8 = [_:0]u8{0} ** 512;
238 gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader, info.len, null, &info);
240 return error.ShaderFailedToCompile;
241 }
243 break :create shader;
246const program = gl.createProgram();
247gl.attachShader(program, vertex_shader);
248gl.attachShader(program, fragment_shader);

I like to set up the program before setting up the vertex data, but any order works.

Now that the GPU knows about our triangle and how to draw it, we need to actually make the request to draw the triangle inside our main loop, between our calls to gl.clear and gl.flush:

299gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, 3);

With that, you should have a black triangle on screen! We really breezed through the OpenGL heavy part, but if you want a more detailed, step-by-step walkthrough, you can refer to the excellent Learn OpenGL site.

What's Next?

As I progress further in learning wayland, I have considered whether it would be fun to continue this series into developing our own cross-platform windowing system specifically for games.

Knowing more about how things work at a low level opens up a lot of interesting possibilities for straightforward engine integration. The way most wayland interfaces are extension based feels like it maps relatively well to an ECS architecture, and exposing the surfaces to the rendering subsystem feels like a nice idea.

At any rate, we have really only scratched the surface in an effort to get from 0 to window as quickly as possible—only about 350 lines of code, which is hard to believe! There are a lot more topics to cover, should I ever get around to them.


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